As for the AMD 3D part, they can only do 3D over HDMI 1.4 as far as I'm aware. Might be worth checking up on this to make sure!

nVidia adopted 3D very early and as such had to provide the shutter glasses and its timing mechanim so that it could show 3D on a standard 2D monitor as no-one else was doing 3D.

AMD have had the "advantage" of coming in later when 3D is already established in display standards (i.e. HMDI 1.4a) so that they can simply use HDMI to send the appropriate image info to the display device and rely on that to provide all the mechanism for enabling the 3D image to be seen (i.e. monitor/TV either is active with its own glasses and sync mechanism or, like this, is passive with polarized glass etc). This, of course, does mean that you have to use a 3D monitor and an HDMI link.
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