It's insane that Black Friday and the "cyber weekend" is even a thing.

Nobody saves any money, and everyone falls over themselves to buy stuff they don't really want.

Yes like the crap Kodak TVs that everyone was falling over/fighting each other to buy.

How embarrassing. :o
See's that Amazon Prime users get first priority.... and my desire to keep looking has hit rock bottom.
Decided today I want a shredder. Turns out there are two coming up tomorrow, so set a reminder.
Also a proper sized bottle of Bathtub Gin and some cool lightbulbs I was looking at in JL last week.
looking for:

New phone - anyone know where usually has the best deals?

Breadmaker if i can get one at the right price

New bed and mattress

TV (maybe) might wait until boxing day currently doing the living room up

eyes on makita sds drill...

good price that!
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I looked at the drill. However, when you look around its not THAT cheap. Tool stop have them at 129 and you can usually get at least a 5% code. Think I ll wait for the brushless to come down
On a mission for

Fridge freezer
Dishwasher (built in)
Induction HOB

As of yet there is nothing that is not normal price or always on SALE everywhere we need a new class of sale i vote for "A actual proper sale"
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