Amazon changes app logo...

This is why I have no idea why people say that its just twitter and no one listens to these ******* idiots in the real world. They very much do.
This is why I have no idea why people say that its just twitter and no one listens to these ******* idiots in the real world. They very much do.
BMW should change their name because everyone knows what the 3 letters really stand for :D

it makes as much sense
They're worried about a blue serrated edge looking liking Hitler...

What about the undisputedly phallic "smile" that's been their logo for years? :eek:
well i saw charlie chaplin, so it says something about the mindset of people who saw hitler.

I saw a representation of some blue parcel tape that had been cut with a serrated tape cutter. Because that's what it was.

Someone would have to be quite wrong in the head to be offended by that because they thought that Hitler had a serrated blue moustache and that all serrated blue moustaches were Hitler. It's obsession with Hitler taken to the point of insanity. It's like people who think everything is a penis. Buildings, cars, etc, etc. It's a reflection of their runaway obsession, not of reality. Some of them use their projections of their own obsessions as an excuse for attacking other people and blaming the victims.
I never got the point of randomly just changing a logo. Seems like a total waste of money and defeats the point of having a logo.
Delivering parcels via a rebuilt Luftwaffe?

Amazon Rhine. Only 7.99 reichsmarks p/m for unlimited next day delivery.
They seriously don't need it, Amazon have achieved ubiquity in online shopping. They are the 'iPhone' to the online retail world to enough people and the pandemic has accelerated it.
Sadly this is what has become of our society, people outraged by nothing. They see what they want to see and then it's trial by social media. It's pathetic.
This is some brilliant level inception posting. :D

Do you reckon they really changed it because 'people were offended'? Or do you think they changed it because then there's a news story about them changing it, which is a brilliant bit of free advertising?
He's even in our pets


There is even an article on Wikipedia about cats that look like Hitler!

Back on topic, my phone had the white logo until yesterday when I checked an order. Check again now and it has the non-Hitler cardboard coloured logo.
I did think the logo had changed but couldn't place it at first. Pandering to the loonies out there who take offense at everything.
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