I guess that makes sense since I'm on a 6mbit connection, I wouldn't have thought HDR works though.
It does this on my Samsung tv even though I have a 38mb connection, looking at the asus router I can see the tv is using between 24-28mbs on the traffic view
HDR does, with 600kbps download, TV even has HDR activated when something is specifically HDR and 1080P works perfectlyHDR defo dosn't work at 6mbit nor does 4k, i'm a bit surprised that 1080p does to be honest.
HDR does, with 600kbps download, TV even has HDR activated when something is specifically HDR and 1080P works perfectly
Maybe you should have a look at this, Amazon's own website with the recommended download minimum speeds for all formats:
As you can see, at 600Kpbs you would be lucky to stream anything. In an earlier post you said you have a 6mbit connection, good enough for 1080p but nowhere near enough for the 15Mbps needed for 4k HDR
How much of bitrate does HDR take up, i guess not much?So that may be why I can't get 4K, however I'm definitely 1000000% getting 1080P HDR , I can see it with my own eyes!
Iirc the 4k streams are in a separate section you won't get it by selecting the normal stream and it picking up that you can use 4k.