Amazon Prime "4k UHD" only 1080p HDR?

3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
As above, on both my televisions (Samsung MU6400 and NU7400), HDR at 1080p on 4k UHD listed content such as The Grand Tour

Anyway around this to actually get 4K?
Iirc the 4k streams are in a separate section you won't get it by selecting the normal stream and it picking up that you can use 4k.
These are the 4K ones as I specifically click on the one with 4K UHD, but even still, only 1080 but with HDR
If your single threaded download speed isn't fast enough to stream 4K the Amazon app will automatically download the content at the next best resolution to suit your speed. In your case 1080p.
I guess that makes sense since I'm on a 6mbit connection, I wouldn't have thought HDR works though.
It does this on my Samsung tv even though I have a 38mb connection, looking at the asus router I can see the tv is using between 24-28mbs on the traffic view
I didn't even realise the grand tour was HDR. Amazon has a poor setup compared to netflix when it comes to 4k imo, should just list the 4k option and scale you down as necessary.
Looks really good on HDR, Grand Tour is the main reason I have Prime. I don't even think Netflix 4k works as "4k" on my TV either, shame, I guess I've never experienced 4K yet.
It does this on my Samsung tv even though I have a 38mb connection, looking at the asus router I can see the tv is using between 24-28mbs on the traffic view

Go into your router and make shure that IPTV has priority on downloads. Most routers do not have the option set up as a priority by default, so you do need to set it up yourself. Once done, you'll find streaming will be much faster.
HDR does, with 600kbps download, TV even has HDR activated when something is specifically HDR and 1080P works perfectly

Maybe you should have a look at this, Amazon's own website with the recommended download minimum speeds for all formats:

As you can see, at 600Kpbs you would be lucky to stream anything. In an earlier post you said you have a 6mbit connection, good enough for 1080p but nowhere near enough for the 15Mbps needed for 4k HDR
Maybe you should have a look at this, Amazon's own website with the recommended download minimum speeds for all formats:

As you can see, at 600Kpbs you would be lucky to stream anything. In an earlier post you said you have a 6mbit connection, good enough for 1080p but nowhere near enough for the 15Mbps needed for 4k HDR

So that may be why I can't get 4K, however I'm definitely 1000000% getting 1080P HDR , I can see it with my own eyes!
Another reason Amazon Prime doesn't buffer up to 4k is if it doesn't detect a HDCP 2.2 connection between the device and the TV.

If you do have a HDCP 2.2 HDMI connection try reconnecting it and re-establish the handshake between the two devices.
Need more bandwidth for UHD, 6mbps is just on the edge of low bitrate 1080p typically. And yes HDR adds hardly any overhead so will work on lower resolutions/connections, even does 720p HDR iirc.
why buy 2 x 4k tv's if you can't use any 4k content? seems stupid to me. especially low end models too. better off buying second hand 1080p screens which used much higher end panels for a lot cheaper.

W907C / W829B from Sony for less than £300 for 55", etc.
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