Well, they said on the phone that they would launch an investigation, but that's obviously the last I will hear of it. It depends how they label their stock (if). If they have a bin of Widgets in boxes, and get one returned, once it's checked and approved (in the loosest sense) it goes back into the bin. If someone returns a grometsprocket inplace of their widget in the same box, once it goes back into the bin how do they know which box is a return and which is brand new? and how do they know which return came from which person? there's no identifying amazon labels on my box.
Also, in other news, I got the replacement today, and I'm clearly not the first owner:
Note the open "security seal" and generally tatty box.
Fortunately it is the correct chip so as long as it's not DOA, it should work fine. And since I'm returning what is already a return, I think karma can call this one a wash