Amazon: your total orders in 2020

The sum total of 12 & some of those were on behalf of mum & dad.
I try & use the yankee rainforest :p as a last resort. The auction site is preferable as there is probably more small businesses on there.
145 for 2020. Probably say under half are mine with with rest being my sister and brother in law who use my a account since I pay for prime.
757 personal account and 199 on the business one. Personal one up from 275 in 2019 and 457 in 2018.

Strangly, we rarely see the same delivery driver more than once
U wot?

Do you order absolutely everything on there including food etc?

No food, mainly clothes, toiletries, gifts, books. Lots of last minutes things we ‘need’ that we can’t be bothered going shopping for when it can be delivered tomorrow. I’d rather it was a smaller number to be honest but with this year being the way it’s been, I’m glad it’s been an option.
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