Epyc, just launched for Datacentre, this is Naples. 
Link to the AMD EPYC product page - http://www.amd.com/en/products/epyc
Research paper showing hte benefits of EPYC single socket soluiton. - http://www.amd.com/system/files/2017-05/TIRIAS-AMD-Single-Socket-Server.pdf
EPYC Features

Link to the AMD EPYC product page - http://www.amd.com/en/products/epyc
Research paper showing hte benefits of EPYC single socket soluiton. - http://www.amd.com/system/files/2017-05/TIRIAS-AMD-Single-Socket-Server.pdf
EPYC Features
- A highly scalable, 32-core System-on-a-chip (SoC) design, with support for two high-performance threads per core
- Industry-leading memory bandwidth, with 8 channels of memory per EPYC device3. In a dual-socket server, support for up to 32 DIMMS of DDR4 on 16 memory channels, delivering up to 4 terabytes of total memory capacity
- Complete SoC with fully integrated, high-speed I/O supporting 128 lanes of PCIe® 3, negating the need for a separate chip-set
- Highly-optimized cache structure for high-performance, energy-efficient computing
- Infinity Fabric coherent interconnect for two EPYC CPUs in a dual-socket system
- Dedicated security hardware
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