Ive just got a opteron 185, and when I strees the cpu,, 1 core is at 65c and the other is at 75c, and at idel there about 1 or 2c out of eachother. Ive resat the heatsink twice by putting a the size of a grain of rice of AS5 in the middle of the cpu, with no change in temps at all. Im using the stock heatsink that came with the cpu.
I thinking of totally covering the cpu with a very thin layer of as5, just incase the 1 spot of as5 in the centre is missing one of the cores?
Also are both the cores near enough ment to be the same temp?
I thinking of totally covering the cpu with a very thin layer of as5, just incase the 1 spot of as5 in the centre is missing one of the cores?
Also are both the cores near enough ment to be the same temp?
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