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amd fx-60 or amd 64 x 2 ???????

26 Apr 2006
I am about to get a new gaming computer from alien----. The problem i have is do i go for the amd fx-60 processor with hypertransport or the amd 64 x 2 4800+ with dual core technology and hypertransport. There is a £400 difference between the two with the fx-60 being more expensive but i want to get the better of the two. Which is far superior for gaming only?. If it helps the setup will have two 7900 gtx 512mb in it aswell....Cheers folks :D
26 Apr 2006
thanks guys for your comments...didnt know alien... were actually a part of dell...Anyway i have had a look on oc cpus and there is 2 there that catches my eye.....FS-025-OK FX60+quad sli with the bfg ageia physx card or FS-024-OK FX60+2 7900 gtx 512mb with the bfg ageia physx card..Which would be the gamers choice guys??
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