Hi Dave,
I reset it to defaults and sure enough, I had endless problems. I had to take photo's of the screen with my phone (as I obviously can't do a screen grab when it's all locked up!).
Anyway, here's a few screenshots of what was going on.
Before resetting to default (current stable)
After reset values and lockup photos:
The last crash photo was me lowering the clock multi to 22 (and it still crashed), had to go back and disable all the CPU features mentioned previously, and I'm back up and running again.
After the last crash, Windows tried to do a recovery again, then the PC completely shut off, had to perform a bios recovery.
I have noticed however since this bios recovery my VCORE is much lower.
Anyway, any help is appreciated. I'm no expert when it comes to things in the BIOS, I just know at the moment how to get it stable.