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AMD GPU sales tanking

Sad that all the Nvidia zealots are jizzing over themselves thinking AMD is finished. Hate the clowns who caused the top end gpu's to push over £1000.

amd not competing in the dgpu arena would be a sad place indeed...on the other hand, consumers are not responsible for the antics of amd much less nvidia
the nvidia zealots are silly wanting to push prices up though, but as always, the consumer votes with their wallet
amd deesparately needs mindshare but they're persistently failing at this
the 7900gre should've been the 7800xt in the first place
the current 7800xt has so little performance uplift in rasterisation, compared to the 6800xt, that it's a travesty and a slap in the face for consumers that amd tried to pull this stunt
yes, i know the launch price of the 7800xt is less ($499) vs the 6800xt ($649), but it's also nearly 3 years between the cards.
wasnt the 6800xt priced at launched during pandemic, hence AMD slapped up prices as did everyone iirc ??
no, the 3080 was launched at $699 (lol) before the pandemic, so the 6800xt was priced below it...not that MSRP was ever respected for either of these cards.
it was the nvidia 3xxx ti series that nvidia wanted a slice of the pandemic greed for itself (3070ti $599, 3080ti $1199)
If Radeon becomes a dependent on the rest of the company AMD will cut them loose, like a cancer, its not their job to subsidise our Nvidia preferences and they would be glad to watch Intel do that, with popcorn.

What constitutes a compelling argument?
see first post
yes it was and i'll call you out on that right now.

amd released the ryzen 1000 series in march 2017 which directly competed with the intel 7th gen quad cores - we know how that went down, for refreshers, here it is: https://www.anandtech.com/show/1117...review-a-deep-dive-on-1800x-1700x-and-1700/20
it was not until october 2017 that intel released the 8th gen in response to the ryzen 1000 series
it is also quite disingenous to use the 1700x as a basis for your argument as we all knew that the 1700 (non-x) was the obvious value part, with minimal difference in performance but a significant price difference ($329 for the 1700, $399 for the 1700x)

once intel released 8th gen, amd released zen+ in april 2018 to counter that, and the 2700x was $329 on release...taking over the 1700 in the price category whilst being even faster than intel's hedt offerings for rendering etc: https://www.anandtech.com/show/12625/amd-second-generation-ryzen-7-2700x-2700-ryzen-5-2600x-2600/10
Out of 6 slides on that page the Ryzen 1700 has 2 wins compared with the similarly priced 7700K.

I've looked through a couple of the other pages and its the same story, the Ryzen 1700 has a couple of wins but mostly its on par with the 7700K or it wins.

What Anand didn't test was gaming performance, i think we know its a blood bath for the Ryzen 1700.

I don't see how that's any better to what we have now in GPU's vs Nvidia, except AMD's GPU's are actually cheaper, not the same price.
I mean you don't believe it was 7.zip that was the magic for AMD back then?
disingenous again? but it's okay. i've now come to expect that off you





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where it mattered Ryzen was still worse than Intel and they were not cheaper.

oh y'really did go there eh?

disingenous again? but it's okay. i've now come to expect that off you






Its consumer perception, "Radeon" is a crap brand, its 1990's and its gained a negative association at this point, its done... change it, dump it, burry it immediately. Create a new brand image and make it a good one, one that's easy to remember, is cool and roles of the tongue, like Ryzen, change the colour as well, red???? Red is the colour our minds are programmed to avoid, its a warning colour, the Orange of Ryzen is a nice inviting colour, use that colour it should all tie in anyway...
Fix FSR, ffs..... fix it! whatever you do now just makee fixing FSR the thing to do, once you've fixed it relaunch it under entirely new branding.
Any new game console or handheld device from here and forever on must carry your Ryzen and or new graphics branding, brand visibility on things people like is critical.
so you finally agree, after all these pages that amd needs more mindshare then, thereby negating all your ramblings :cry:
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Where's the fun in just speeling it out without first going through the thought process or at least try to make people think?
well the length of time it took you, the answer was already apparent long ago lol
i dunno mate, i think what radeon desperately needs is marketshare and mindshare, if that means taking less % profit per gpu sold, then so be it...just as amd did for ryzen 1000/2000 series
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if the product is good enough and good value,then price cuts in short term aren't necessary, which encourages buying, plus if a company is known for price cutting soon after release, then surely that's the company fault. any gamer with half a brain cell is going to hold off on buying knowing price cuts incoming

start at 11:20
basically what i've been saying the whole time lol
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