why is it that bad? i mean sure core architecture is a little better than K8, but its not the holy grail you all make it out to be, the fact remains that four K8 cores running at 3Ghz is still a force to be reckoned with, only advantage intel have over AMD at the moment is slight lead clock/clock performance and overclockability, if you don't overclock then im sorry but conroe is just another over-hyped processor thats is so close to equal to there AMD price competitors, so no compairing E6600 with 3800+, i mean sure the E6600 would be better cause it can overclock more but who cares if overclocking isn't an issue, and what the hell are you all going on about saying 'this is pointless, barcelona is months away', thats like saying don't be an idiot and upgrade to C2D cause 'petryn' isn't far off, i give up trying to understand what it is people want here
, and my hat goes off to the OCUK people for getting these at the cheapest price around, pity the whole world is against these things selling