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AMD quits the high-end CPU market

It was the end of last year these same quotes were taken out of context and AMD even refuted them. They're merely putting more money into the mobile side of the market, not leaving the other areas.
i think everyone is thinking and talking like AMD are quitting the CPU industry all together :O im sure the next refresh from AMD wont be 'worse than bulldozer' but at the same time 'it wont be as powerfull as the Intel offerings' at the time...

At the same time this could be a good thing for them as although they are going 'mobile' from what i understand they aren't leaving the GPU market, especially when they have no reason to with their 6000 cards having a lot stronger hold in the price/performance than nvidia. so maybe this is a good thing as they can focus more on stronger APU's and GPU's...

so for the Laptop/tablet industry growing etc.. i think its right, and makes me feel there's a much deeper reason as to why they are going into the mobile sector. Take the M18x for example, it is what i would call in the top 5 most powerful laptops in the world, and which the m18x R2 comming around april time there are no AMD chips to compete with the sandybridge and Ivybridge chips that are and will be supported by the next m18x, and the current m18x maxed out (Although costing a fortune due to the 'uniqueness') can run pretty much anything maxed out, and most likely is on par with my 2500k...

take everything into consideration as they made this move not becuase 'they were losing' but because they can make MORE money from us by doing so.

P.S Intel FanBoys: You'll turn on intel when prices for low-end chips quadrupole due to no competition in this now unhealthy Industry :O
I can't see Intel increasing prices a lot, they will just create a bigger market for AMD if they do. The Bulldozer CPUs arn't even that bad, its just that they are not as good as the equivalent Intel CPU at the same price, most people would probably be fine with swapping over to AMD if the Intel prices spiked quite high.
I can't see Intel increasing prices a lot, they will just create a bigger market for AMD if they do. The Bulldozer CPUs arn't even that bad, its just that they are not as good as the equivalent Intel CPU at the same price, most people would probably be fine with swapping over to AMD if the Intel prices spiked quite high.

Intel will do whatever leads to more profit. I argee with you that most people would not notice the difference. I would say for most it's more about brand then anything else. And to be fair to Intel they have invested millions in their "hearts and minds" campaigns over the years, Intel inside... .
Who really knows, AMD just branching out thats all I think it is.

Looking forward to Bulldozer II FX . . . . . well they did the same with Phenom right?
TBH i think as soon as the m18x R2 comes out im going to swap my current rig for one with cash :P No nead for a desktop anymore when i can have something thats better than my PC already :P

so another change from the desktop market to the Laptop/Mobile one ;)
TBH i think as soon as the m18x R2 comes out im going to swap my current rig for one with cash :P No nead for a desktop anymore when i can have something thats better than my PC already :P

so another change from the desktop market to the Laptop/Mobile one ;)

If true that you can have the HD 7970M xfire or GTX 675M sli options then this will be a serious setup. But, when I look back at past Alienware setups they became obsolete very quickly vs the upgradeable of the pc, imho the pc will always win in the long term better investment department.
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If true that you can have the HD 7970M xfire or GTX 675M sli options then this will be a serious setup. But, when I look back at past Alienware setups they became obsolete very quickly vs the upgradeable of the pc, imho the pc will always win in the long term better investment department.

Yeah thats the way i see it, however with that in mind you can still do some decent gaming on the area 51 m15x with and x9000 and 280m, and bearing in mind a lot of games are ported i doubt they'll become obsolete within at least 2 years, however i suppose thats a lot of money to be forking out every two years or so ;)
Just wondering as I know nothing about this kind of thing really. But regards people who think we need newer faster CPU's and this will hold us back and make stuff now expensive, but gaming wise do we even have anything that maxes all 4 cores on a Q6600 to 100% I don't know if we really need anything faster or better at this stage tbh. What we need is some proper coded games/apps to take full use of what we have now. Which I don't really see
Just wondering as I know nothing about this kind of thing really. But regards people who think we need newer faster CPU's and this will hold us back and make stuff now expensive, but gaming wise do we even have anything that maxes all 4 cores on a Q6600 to 100% I don't know if we really need anything faster or better at this stage tbh. What we need is some proper coded games/apps to take full use of what we have now. Which I don't really see

Yeah. I noticed large jumps moving to SB setup... especially for certain games.

I would say the overall "smoothness" is what did it for me. The FPS seemed far more stable.
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