US: American Gods - Starts May 1st Amazon / Starz (Wheres the post?)

4 Apr 2004
Can't believe no-one has posted anything about this yet, based on the epic book by Neil Gaiman starts tomorrow and I for one can't wait!!!

Apparently they had to do a lot of restructuring due to budget constraints. The reveal in the books is considerably more grand, they decided to ditch that in order to layer the budget across the whole series. I kind of admire that...

I can see them building what was this seasons finale's reveal, into 3-4 episodes of season 2. House on the rock is somewhere i wanted to visit after reading the book, I've loved this season, I honestly thought they would have plough-through the book, but it looks like amazon really do want to get many seasons out of this. I'm all for it an can't wait for season 2!!
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