I used the wrong word, I corrected it after Gilly pointed it out.
I'll expand a bit on my original point as I didn't like the Machinist or Memento and they aren't the kind of films I am looking for.
EDIT: And they are always mentioned straight after Fight Club despite not being very similar at all - there is a twist, it all boils down to sleep deprivation but aside from that Fight Club has a lot of action and black humour and lots more I feel. /end EDIT.
I think I am looking for more lashing out at society, more action, anger, evilness and ego!
I love American Beauty and considered adding it to my original list but it just doesn't cut it for this list. So that's a nearly there, along the right lines but not quite right.
I will check out Taxi Driver and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and look into some of the others mentioned as well.