Among Us

Still thoroughly enjoying the game, when you get put in a game with a decent ruleset and a good crowd. Still thoroughly hating the fuelling task :p

I've sent you a friend request bud - like you say, it's a good game when you have a good crowd lol.
I'll join you at some point, Wednesday evening is probably when I'll be next free - got your Discord server saved Megahurtz, and will accept the friend request when next on Steam Raz!
Won't be around on Friday, I'm fortunate enough to live in a lockdown free place so I've got a big birthday bash to attend - I'll be around at some point though for games!
Missed it again lol. One day though...

I'm trying to get an event bot on the Discord so I can make an event and people can reply with a yes/no etc.

I might be on tonight with a group with a space, drop a message in the Discord if you're about :D
Earliest I can join is around 9.30, if anyone's around then hopefully we can have a game...
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