Amy Winehouse weight loss

The people at "Fitness First" obviously have no idea what they're doing. Whatever training regime they gave her is broken.
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She looks very similar to a transvestite man that walks around Colchester Town Centre a lot.


I mean now.

In the before picture, she looks HAWT
LordSplodge said:
Celebrity "size 0" culture ftl :rolleyes:

I blame Posh Spice

I believe she is naturally thin although she has hit peaks but always seems to bounce back, she's never been a chunky lass.

I think that is a real shame about Amy Winehouse, she had a lovely natural figure but is now so skinny that she looks permanently tired and washed out, as well as the obvious lack of waistline.

Things seem to be on the turn with the media, curvy girls are now back into fashion and the skinny thing appears to be waning thank god.
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