An age old question answered

12 May 2011
For literally decades I have been wondering who out my brother and I had the better Super Soaker as a kid. Now all my questions are answered as some absolute champion has tested and reviewed what seems to be every Super Soaker ever.

Turns out I could, should and sadly didn't destroy my (older) brother with my bangin' CPS 1500 where he was stuck with a crappy XXP 275! A direct quote for you: "If there were something like a Rolls Royce among water guns, the CPS 1500 would be it" and, to avoid any and all doubt, "The CPS 1500 can outclass any XP or XXP weapon in terms of firepower."

So now you're all aware of this essential website - you're welcome.

Ha, the only reason I got one was because we visited a family friend who always had the best of everything and liked to show it. We got an absolute soaking as they had some modern for the time models and we had some original looking ones (no idea what model or anything, but slim looking onee) and I think my Mum took pity on us and took us to Argos that same day, it wasn't even a birthday coming up or anything (I remember it well).

I've also noticed that if you need about 50 close up photos per model of water being sprayed then this site has got you covered!
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