An all encompassing Steam FAQ thread

Sorry if this has been asked before but will Game Save Manager allow me to install a couple of my Steam games onto a SSD and the rest on to a physical drive?

Yes. :)

You'll want to install Steam normally on the physical drive. Then use the Steam spreader option in GSM to copy the particular games you want to the SSD.
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This is me using the actual Steam thread instead of starting a new one because i'm cool:cool: but if i don't get an answer, i'll be angry:p

I said this already in the Deus Ex thread, but i wondered if i could get some info on something.

Basically atm i am having to turn my 'net off at around midnight, so last night i did that but then had a bsod, so i started up again but when trying to start Deus ex again it came up with a message saying "updating Steam" and then when i tried to start in offline mode it came up with the message "No connection to network" or something similar:mad:

This hasn't happened before, but it does everytime i try to start in offline mode now(and it doesn't happen on my laptop which hasn't been connected to the internet for ages)

Is it something to do with Stean Cloud maybe? Why does it say Steam updating all of a sudden?


Seems like quite an odd one, I don't really use Offline mode a whole lot, so someone else might be able to say if it's a known thing or not.

How are you shutting Steam down after putting it in offline mode?

I've had issues where if Steam has been killed suddenly in explorer (or by a BSOD I guess) it won't remember certain changed settings. I'd try: putting Steam in offline mode, closing it normally and re-opening. That way all the settings and information Steam requires to re-launch offline mode should be saved.

Bit of a long shot, but other than that, I've got thoughts so far. :o
Heya! Just got an SSD, so I'm shifting all my commonly played games onto it for maximum performance! However, GSM doesn't mention TF2, and I assume this is because the majority (8Gb) of the game simply sits in the steamapps folder, in a couple of files but not in a folder. Is there any way to get those two files, and any other TF2 related ones, over onto my SSD without needing to copy anything else? Thanks!

TF2 is a bit of a pain unfortunately. It's stored in the old way before everything started to use .ncf files and the common folder.

Most of the game files are stored in the .gcfs in the root of SteamApps, and then things like custom maps, config files, are stored in:

Steam\steamapps\<account name>\team fortress 2

GSM looks in "steamapps\common" where game folders are now all stored (only very old games use the <account name> folder mostly), and just takes a list of folder names to generate that drop down list. Which is as you rightly say, why it doesn't appear in the list.

You can use the "Specify Custom Path" option to move the tf2 folder, but for the gcfs you'll have to use the manual option of using mklinks on them I'd have thought. :( You can't single specify files in GSM, and I doubt you'll want to move you're whole Steam apps folder.
I am currently playing non-steam AC Brotherhood. However I also bought steam version of brotherhood in cheap sale. My save file is in C:\users/myname/savedgames/assassin'screedbrotherhood/saves/

If I delete non-steam version and install steam version, can I

1) use the existing save file for the steam version, so all the progress I have made so far is still there

2) How will this affect the achievements in steam?

The save file should be unaffected provided it doesn't get deleted when uninstalling. Save files are a game specific thing rather than Steam, so I'd be surprised if Ubi had decided to locate it in a different position just for the Steam version.

Does the Steam version have achievements? :confused: There's no mention of achievements on the store page. Unless you mean the uPlay ones? You'll keep them provided you log in with the same account. :)
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