An English omnishambles

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I'm actually surprised the mods haven't starred out gammon the same why ********** have been, it's either all ok or none of it is. It's only the inconsistency that irks me.

I've pointed out their lack of consistency plenty. I was once told by a specific moderator that if someone considers the word offensive then its offensive and people will be cited for using it.
Said moderator is still active.
Said moderator is doing bugger all about this.
I'm actually surprised the mods haven't starred out gammon the same why ********** have been, it's either all ok or none of it is. It's only the inconsistency that irks me.

I see what you mean, we can use both slurs equally if:



There, at least that is fair and un-biased now.
I don't think that's racism. I've heard Indians describe one another as "coconuts". It's not racist. It's just saying they're brown on the outside and white on the inside. When I heard it, it was almost used affectionately.

I'm not saying that blacks can't be racist towards each other though, I've heard it before [e.g. in Croydon station once an irritated black customer called a black guard a "spearchucker", most bizarre]. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's racist or xenophobic, since I know that some Africans have problems with Jamaicans and vice versa. I think it's more xenophobia than racism.

I lived in Zambia for a while and chatting to the locals they considered any black person not born in Africa as not being properly black. No way I'd consider that racist though.

I'm not having Gammon as being racist. I get there is a big push by those that might consider themselves as fitting into the gammon bracket to make it so but its just a political insult because its far more about a person's politics than anything else. It isn't about being white, its about raging their Brexit/Anti (fill in the gap but mostly immigrant) views. Choc-ice, coconut etc is about being a traitor to your race, being more like a white man that black/brown or pretending to be black/brown but white inside. I'm still not even sure its racist though. I guess there is an argument it could be racist against white people but even that is a reach. The n-word when used black to black is clearly not racist but when a white person uses it outside hip-hop then you are into the racist territory. Same as someone white calling a white person a cracker, its not racist, they are calling them poor white trash, if a black person uses it though you are into the racist territory.

I find it funny that the anti-woke brigade who like to say racism just isn't the thing that a lot of black/brown people say it is are now saying they are the victims of racism. The irony level is astounding.
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I've pointed out their lack of consistency plenty. I was once told by a specific moderator that if someone considers the word offensive then its offensive and people will be cited for using it.
Said moderator is still active.
Said moderator is doing bugger all about this.

OMG that is a s woke a statement as I've ever seen. So anything that someone might find offensive is offensive? That is MEGA WOKE! All on board the woke train!
Like dogs that eat too much, are sick, and then eat their own sick, GD once again finds itself in that repeating prism of word misuse, specifically and to whit: 'woke' and 'gammon'. I'll let everyone take a moment to shudder at just how awful, how repetitive, how stripped of any meaning these tragi-words have become, how boring and lazy they are to employ, how little they add to any dialogue other than to profess affiliation, just how worthless they are as conversational currency. Take a deep breath, it'll help.

GD has never been one for self-regulation; we won't or more likely can't. The playground mentality of herd 1 versus herd 2 and a free platform on which to play this out is too strong. Certain words have been censored in the past and replaced with asterisks, a clumsy but effective method, and sometimes words just pass their use by date and we move on to the next thing (and in true GD style hammer it silly, then drown it, then cut it up into pieces, and bury it in the garden, just to make sure that horse is absolutely flogged to death).

So, what to do with 'woke' and 'gammon'? They seem to be everywhere on GD, far more prevalent than the internet at large, and that's only partly because a large proportion of GD posters parrot without thought or any pretence at considering 'the other side'. Do you think these words will pass, or that they'll get censored in some way (my guess), or just left to clog up the forums?


You basically just described the behaviour of humans, so I doubt it'll change any time soon.
You'd be wrong about that as well then. Shock.
Are you saying my post was 'gammon'?
gam·mon 2
(găm′ən) Chiefly British

1. Misleading or nonsensical talk; humbug.
2. Gammon See Shelta.
v. gam·moned, gam·mon·ing, gam·mons
To deceive or mislead: "[He] gammoned a countryman out of a good round sum of money" (Charles Dickens).
To talk misleadingly or deceptively.
deceitful nonsense; humbug
to deceive (a person)
[C18: perhaps special use of gammon2]
ˈgammoner n

(ˈgæm ən)

n. Brit. Informal.
1. deceitful nonsense; bosh.
2. to talk gammon.
I mean I know its not the offical 'urban' dictonairy. But still.

Its basicaly the same as 'flannel', but with more deceit.

It sums up brexiters, alt righters/alt liters and Tories as far as Im concerned
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