An error was detected on device \Device\Harddisk2\D during a paging operation

31 May 2005
Couple of questions, i have started to get this error since i got my new WD 320GB Sata 2 drive, couple of weeks ago i did a fresh install of winxp sp2 on it. I also have to pata drives as well, but the sata has windows on it

how can i tell which hard disk it is refering to?

And is it more than likely a bad drive? or something that needs to be disabled on the device? I have the latest nvidia drivers for my mainboard

Is this a common problem or something i should worry about?

Replies ASAP thanks

I also downloaded the WD utility for checking the drive and all came up ok...
Yes that confirms that it is talking about my new sata drive.

It is only these paging errors that are apprearing, and the WD Data Lifeguard reports no problems.....Shouldnt it find anything on the extended run?

Could it be a driver related problem?
Well i found out after doing a little more googling that there is a problem with the nforce 4 chipset and sata2 disks (If the os is installed on it) i only ever got these at startup, not sure if ures is the same, but if you do a search in google, to solve the problem you need to disable enable command queuing on the sata controller.... This is a know bug apparently and should be solved in the nvidia drivers at some point.....Hope this helps!
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