An example of morons not looking/using their indicators

I bet on some bikers discussion board somewhere theres a thread with "I was riding along perfectly innocently when this Lexus just pulled accross infront of me" and about 50 replies saying "Damn car drivers are morons" "People in cars should use there mirrors" "I always look at the cars mirrors for the slightest movement of there eyes so I know they've seen me whilst still managing to keep my eyes on the road cos i'm cool" "Damn, thats a shame. Drivers fault tbh." "******* car drivers are ******* ****'s. they should all **** off and learn to ******* use there ******* mirrors for **** sake" etc. etc. :p
bad riding- didnt read the road was in the wrong gear overtaking on solid lines. the only thing on his mind was keeping his mate on camera.
reading the comments is class, half of them have a go at the lexus driver, i noticed the cruve the first time, stupid yanks. Too quick to mouth off.

that guy could have been dead becuase that person didnt signal he just decided to turn i've been in situations like that and u know what i do to their car drivers kicka nice fat dent in their doors or even shatter their window for putting my life at risk dont cut me off like that i'll beat ya arase when u get out to see if i'm ok

:D :D
Despite whether it's a biker or a car driver, the overtaking manoeuver was the wrong place to do it considering the main road was going to the left anyway, and the road straight ahead was a spur road anyway. It doesn't matter that in this case it was a biker as far as I'm concerned this isn't evidence that bikers are bad on the road, it's evidence that there are people who take silly risks when they don't read the road ahead carefully. I'm sure that incident happens on similar types of roads all over the world.

Such a silly manoeuver - and waste of a nice bike. At least it's another 4x4 off the road. ;)
Poor Suzuki!! An yup you should never overtake on a junction whatever vehicle your in/on. Looks like poor observation and wanting to keep with his mate caused this rider to come unstuck.
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