An Insight into University Life (The World's longest post)

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Originally posted by kaiowas
Call yourself a student? I saw absolutely NO mention of "Countdown" in your daily routine. This needs to be rectified.
Countdown's a touchy area. There are 2 of us who are far too good at it, and get on everyone else's nerves, and there's one person who picks 3 of the 9 letters, and shouts any random word containing those 3 letters. All in all, we all wind each other up when it's on. The 4:30am repeat is another matter though, as only the hardcore fans stay up to watch it :D
hmm mate u forgot some days are dressing gown day where u do nothing all day. go to sleep in dressin gown. waste day in house doing many of the in house activities u have started and then sleep....

fongs chinese is what provides me with food, thanks god they deliver :)
Your post is very true sir, one which reminds me of my job and responsibilities. Have been planning a Student orientated thread today but not got around to it, basically about NUS (I will post later on this).

Couple of things...

1) Diagnosis Murder - every time!
2) It does get harder, especially 3rd year. Bear that in mind. Actually, scrub that. I tried to bear that in mind and failed miserably.
3) Feek - you are never too old for Uni, and as a mature student (LMAO at mature student:D) you will get lovely preferentail treatment under 'widening participation'.

I must admit that my Music degree did involve slightly more effort, though I must also point out the number of rehearsals attended by myself and mr Mattpc whilst under the influence of alcohol was large.

Enjoy it matey, it's the only chance you'll have to do it.!!!
Following this episode's good reception, there will hopefully be more in this series, almost certainly including one about student cooking :)

Originally posted by Lopéz
Fixed your title, I have.

I am sickened and appalled at such an error and couldn't bear to look at it for a moment longer.

Mad props to you sir. Still reeling that I made it in the first place, but I'm trying not to dwell on it too much :D
Re: Re: An Insight into University Life (The World's longest post)

Originally posted by cky2k
these my friend are a godsend, my mate russ has over 50 packets in the kitchen :eek:

Damn, I've got 30 (10 of each flavour, I like to stay prepared) sitting in my cupboard back in the flat, but 50?

You'll also be horrified to know that in London, they levy a whopping 1p surcharge on them :eek:
lol great reading. Had the day off today and watched neighbours for the first time in ages, reminded me of my student days. I remember loads of times discussing about libby's, dee's and steff's assets. OMFG diagnosis murder rules old man Quincy. However, I noticed Lovejoy wasn't mentioned. WTF is going on???? Simpsons so owns Friends, wtf about Hollyoaks though?
Excellent post. It's 25 yrs since I was at uni and I nearly beleive the propaganda that it had changed. Looks like it's still the same. Enjoy it while you can:D
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