An OcUK Sunday Mystery...

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18 Oct 2002
Hear, their, everyware ;)
And it's as lame as they come, but still something of a mystery.. Why is that you ask, well, read on...

At the end of my road there is a rather attractive dog poo bin and I've noticed for a few weeks that someone is leaving a yellow plastic bag (Looks like a bin-liner with the tie 'ears') next to this rather dashing red square box of dog faeces and the yellow 'Mystery' bag seems to contain only papers, sometimes it looks like it has a few newspapers in there, you see the 'Mystery' is, the yellow bag keeps getting left there, but also gets taken away, you'll see it there on Monday, Tuesday and it's gone on Wednesday, it might be gone for a few days but it always, ALWAYS returns again.. It turns up and disappears again completely randomly, it's there now and I have taken a picture of it for your perusal and to show I am not yet, completely mad...


So there it is, it turned up on Saturday some time, wasn't there on Friday, now the thing is, it really has started bugging me and normally I'm extremely laid-back and devil-may-care kind of guy but for some reason I really want to know who is dumping this bag there and even more sort of importantly who the **** is taking it away all the time!!

So the question is OcUK GD does anyone have a clue as to what is going on? And should I set up and elaborate plan to catch the mysterious bag people in action? :D
Cmon guys, aliens? Drugs? Lets be realistic here its neither of those things, if you simply think logically you arrive at the conclusion it must be spies, mi6 cia i'm not sure but they're plainly dead drops for transferring secrets out of the country.

My advice leave well alone, if its the russians you wouldnt want them knocking at your door asking for their laser defence grid designs back
Back in 1988 (give or take) there used to be a craze here (I'm not joking) for a bunch of drunks to pickup a bag of papers and move it for "laughs" though I can't imagine it happening in broad daylight. They used to keep blocking off the road over from our house just down from the pub by dumping them there for some reason thinking it highly amusing.
Probably a dead letter drop. Buy more importantly shouldn't someone put a letterbox on the top of that dog poo bin?
I have my own mystery involving ALDI bags and a bloke I used to work with but he's now gone mad.
He is a loner, never had a girlfriend, 60+ and now lives on his own.
The only time he carries these bags is in the early hours of the morning so I usually see him around 1am to 2pm on a Saturday or Sunday morning when I'm coming home from gigs.
He carries two blue ALDI bags that are filled with something and I reckon it's more bags or poo for putting through letterboxes.
Someone always dumping bags of rubbish along the footpath outside the front of my house. It's weird because they will dump 1 or 2 bags and they'll stay there anything from 1 to 4 days when the council eventually take them away. Then and only then do another couple of bags appear almost instantly.
Exactly what is in there?

Just newspapers? Yesterday's newspapers?

I have no desire to go poking about in a plastic bag dumped next to a dog poo bin, but from the outside at least it appears today to have a large cardboard coffee cup at the top of the bag, whatever is in it, it's heavy enough not to be blown away by strong wind. It's also still there as I just checked.

I should also add this definitely isn't me doing it, not a wind-up, I have no idea who/what/why but of course I would say that if I was on a wind-up so... I'm not honestly.

I will update this Thread as much as possible, if I check it tomorrow and it's gone again I will try and set up some sort of covert 24/7 surveillance although it might be a bit too far away, but I'll try and park my car and leave the dash-cam on in a place that covers the area. It really is starting to do my head in. :cool:
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Next time it's there, take it.

If there's anything interesting in it, take it, poop in it, and subtly place it back.
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