An OcUK Sunday Mystery...

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18 Oct 2002
Hear, their, everyware ;)
And it's as lame as they come, but still something of a mystery.. Why is that you ask, well, read on...

At the end of my road there is a rather attractive dog poo bin and I've noticed for a few weeks that someone is leaving a yellow plastic bag (Looks like a bin-liner with the tie 'ears') next to this rather dashing red square box of dog faeces and the yellow 'Mystery' bag seems to contain only papers, sometimes it looks like it has a few newspapers in there, you see the 'Mystery' is, the yellow bag keeps getting left there, but also gets taken away, you'll see it there on Monday, Tuesday and it's gone on Wednesday, it might be gone for a few days but it always, ALWAYS returns again.. It turns up and disappears again completely randomly, it's there now and I have taken a picture of it for your perusal and to show I am not yet, completely mad...


So there it is, it turned up on Saturday some time, wasn't there on Friday, now the thing is, it really has started bugging me and normally I'm extremely laid-back and devil-may-care kind of guy but for some reason I really want to know who is dumping this bag there and even more sort of importantly who the **** is taking it away all the time!!

So the question is OcUK GD does anyone have a clue as to what is going on? And should I set up and elaborate plan to catch the mysterious bag people in action? :D
Exactly what is in there?

Just newspapers? Yesterday's newspapers?

I have no desire to go poking about in a plastic bag dumped next to a dog poo bin, but from the outside at least it appears today to have a large cardboard coffee cup at the top of the bag, whatever is in it, it's heavy enough not to be blown away by strong wind. It's also still there as I just checked.

I should also add this definitely isn't me doing it, not a wind-up, I have no idea who/what/why but of course I would say that if I was on a wind-up so... I'm not honestly.

I will update this Thread as much as possible, if I check it tomorrow and it's gone again I will try and set up some sort of covert 24/7 surveillance although it might be a bit too far away, but I'll try and park my car and leave the dash-cam on in a place that covers the area. It really is starting to do my head in. :cool:
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It's still there this morning and the bin men have not taken it as they would have gone past it around 9am.

If it is someone just dumping their rubbish, why would they leave it in the exact same spot for weeks and weeks? :confused: If it does just turn out to be someone dumping then whatever evidence I gather will be forwarded to the Local Council in the hope they prosecute them.
I checked around 10.05am and the bag was definitely still there.

Less than half an hour later and...


It's gone! :eek:

Wasn't the bin men they are here just before 9am and gone in 20-30mins and the bag was still there after they'd gone, they have not been back as I would have heard them. I can't believe I've missed it!:(:mad:
It's not the bin men but the recycling lot. We have the same idea here but our bags for recycling are clear.

We have wheelie-bins for recycling and all paper/cardboard goes in thick plastic hessian style blue bags or they simply don't take it here.

I would have heard the recycling van as they make a right racket with the glass bottles and they always come mid afternoon. I've already thought of every possibility of what it could be and it's not recycling.
Update please. I barely slept last night wondering what could be in that bag!

No bag there least not yet there isn't.

This morning I was almost certain I had found the culprit but it was just the weird cat-woman with a funny walk from further up the road going to visit another neighbour, for some reason probably best unknown she was clutching a plastic carrier bag very close to her chest but on letting her get closer it was a similar bag but a completely different colour, I then realised she might see me watching her through the window so I ran away giggling as fast as I could and hid in another room for five minutes until she had gone (I have no idea why I did that...) :o

I am now doing my nosey curtain-twitching in a more nonchalantly fashion, pretending I am doing something else whilst secretly watching... :cool:
Well, I'd pretty much given up on the mystery bag this week, I thought someone may have been away on their holidays, perhaps somewhere exotic, leaving their mystery yellow bag in the cool shade of a coconut tree on some hot, snow-white beach on a small island in the Caribbean for a change. I even started to think it might be a peruser of these very Forums! :eek: And had worked out they had been rumbled! :cool:

But, a bit later than normal...


And this time we can see a logo on the bag...


At first (From a distance) I thought it might be a Recycling type logo, but it is clearly a SPAR bag, it's full of the usual papers by the looks of it.

It wasn't there during daylight hours yesterday so I'm assuming it has been dumped there some time during the night.

And no, I'm still NOT going to wander over and pick it up, look through it or interfere with it in any shape of form.

Now, as it's a Bank Holiday weekend, if and I shall embolden the 'IF' using the marvellous technology of the internet, actually I shall not only embolden the 'IF' I shall embolden and Italicise it! IF It gets removed before Tuesday than I think it is safe to assume that it will not be the Local Council or any of it's employees removing it. So the mystery may even deepen! :cool:
The main reason I do not want to tamper with the bag in any way is that I do not want to interfere in any shape or form with the evidence I will be gathering if it is just a case of someone fly-tipping, as has already been pointed out if it is someone fly-tipping (Dumping their rubbish) why are they consistently dumping it in the same place in the same bag... :confused:

Once I have managed to get the culprit on camera and I'm hoping a car registration to go with it, then if it does happen again I will investigate further. ;)

The other reason is it's probably full of poopy papers.

I also don't really care what's in the bag. I just want to find out who is dumping it and taking it away, as it such a bizarre way of dumping rubbish, in the same sort of bag, in the exact same spot. This has been going on for Months.
I'm really not sure of what the big deal is about what is actually in the bag. :confused:

It's just papers, old newspapers and flyers and stuff, just general paper/cardboard rubbish, you can see that clearly through the somewhat transparent bag. The bag that was dumped previous to the last one had a cardboard coffee-cup at the top of it that was extremely obvious you could even see a straw poking out a little.

There is nothing spectacularly obvious that would merit a further investigation IMHO. There's no outline of human body parts, no hint of blood-stains, nothing that looks like it could be a weapon or a bomb, the bag doesn't move or make a noise so there's no abandoned kittens, puppies or babies in it. It's just papers.
I've been doing some experimental covert filming... and sadly it looks like there's not enough light to record anything of reasonable quality in the dark even though there's a street light attached to the telegraph pole you can see in the other pictures, it sort of floods a small area directly below it with quite intense light which throws out the rest of the white balance/exposure :( There's also no zoom on the Dashcam which doesn't help either. Daylight coverage should be OK though so I will set something up tomorrow as I won't be needing the car all day.
Well, I'd given up on this, was becoming convinced someone had rumbled this Thread and had stopped doing it, but NO! The dreaded phantom SPAR bag dumper strikes again!


In a strange twist of modus operandi they have dumped their rubbish 100yds further up the road and this time on the opposite side, they have not dumped it in the usual spot and it's NOT been moved somehow as I've checked the video to see if perhaps wind/someone had moved it but there's nothing. (Yes, there's video surveillance been set up ;))

I have no idea how long this has been there as I only saw it today, it is only viewable for me when I go out in the car. So this could have been there a few days for all I know.

It's just the usual papers, paper/cardboard cups. Rather considerately they tie it neatly at the top with a nice tight knot. I guess they don't want their dumped rubbish getting out of the bag and making a mess everywhere...Right? :rolleyes:
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The same as is usually in it...


Also the gif is 'Jerky' as it was filmed at a 2sec interval and the files got mixed up when I uploaded them so is out of sequence at the start.
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