Analogue Mega Sg

Loving my Super nt and my pre-order is in for a Jap mega sg. Not fussed so much about the 32x, I can see how it would be a lot of work for only a small gain. The fact it will connect to Mega Cds is pretty good, though these must be getting really old. I'd be worried about the lasers giving up the ghost.

In preparation I've started to build up my mega drive game collection. Beyond the Sonics what are the must have MD games, bearing in mind some SNES versions may be better (or worse)?

Love mine too and the jail break is really simple and opens up a whole world of ease. Can't wait for one of these, will also pre-order today.
Retro gaming is becoming an expensive hobby it is true. I am lucky that I got in early so bought most of the boxes I wanted when they were sensible still but I like the ability to plug into a modern TV and get a high quality picture. I have a Framemeister but I still like the idea of no messing about. Just plug it in, connect a wireless controller and get a superb picture and perfect non emulation game experience.
The reason why the N64 has dated more than other consoles is due to where the tech was at the time and how modern tech exposes it to an extent where it impacts things more than it does for other devices. We all know what Sonic looked like, put that on a HDMI 1080p display with a good quality up-scaling device and you still have the great game you recall but much sharper. Do the same with the N64 and those low count polygons and blurring that worked so well back in the day to make low rest 3D work on a CRT look terrible, no matter how well you upscale them. It was just at a period in time where 3D was becoming the future and Nintendo was trying new techniques to push that out to us consumers. In the day it was a fantastic machine with some of the greatest games, but today they do not always show themselves well when upscalled and run at 1080p.

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