I believe affordable housing is a myth, It will not happen as that is how the upper class makes money. Too many renters if they cared or were serious this would happen.
Ban foreign ownership of homes, Or homes than are for let simply make it illegal to own a house that you do not live in for 300 days of the year and you must be a UK citizen.
Cap home ownership to one property per couple and no passing it into the kids early before 65 to make it so you can buy another or you pay a large levy fee of 20%. Inheritance after natural death will be zero fee.
Have a British home that is standardized and plans fir this are available online to download. This will bypass the architect and save some money. It also should cut build costs because every brick and bolt and bit of wood is standardized and the same size this is a well proven way of reducing costs in all types of manufacturing. It would simply be called the UK house.
Get rid of as many leeches in the chain who use houses as a job creator. So surveyors, Architects, Planning permission cut as many people out as possible to save money. And make linkups to the electric grid universally free but water optional for types who want to further cut fee and recycle water etc.
Do something about people who get £200 a day to plaster the walls of homes. Can it be fair that they get so much more than say a binman? Where is the morality in letting these people take massive chunks out of the housebuild cost when thier job is not any more inportant than trash collection.
Finally if there are any other fees on builds like taxes etc simply remove them i am sure people can brainstorm even more but i suspect the cost of land also needs looked at in the same way. I guarantee if all the above were implemented we would see a massive home sell off and supply and demand easing costs but the UK home would be a low cost revolution and get many people into thier own home. But as i said originally it will not happen because this us how politicians will invest thier money. The whole system is broke and corrupt.