I think one of the posters above hit the nail on the head where they said those in power/with money are the ones with a lot of skin in the game. Turkeys won't vote for Christmas.
It's infuriating - I really don't think it's good having the value of property constantly going up in such a ridiculous fashion. Mainly because it means percentage wise, if you want to "upgrade" then the gap between what you have now and what you want to move to just gets bigger and less affordable. I really don't know how my nephews and nieces will ever afford their own homes.
It's easy for people to say, "live in a house share" or "buy with a friend" but some people need their own space and living with someone else is their definition of hell. I've been lucky to have 2 decent lodgers who were no trouble at all but given the choice I like to live alone.