And The Winner is.....

17 Oct 2002


Right the races are now over and we have a winner. Congratulations Mr. [cran]jeff!

For your greatness, have a Trophy and a free go on spanky!



Comiserations to all the winners and thanks for taking part. I shall now hand things over to Mark G & Doobdonk for the Group Leagues. I have enjoyed organising these and would like to thank Mark G for providing the graphics and for the following members for coming up with some of the ideas: Mark G, markjcj, Kaiowas and of course myself:p

I would be quite happy to run this in the future and of course would also like suggestions on how things could be improved. I have ideas myself already and am happily open to suggestions which can be posted here or e-mailed to the address in my signature.
Kongratchoolayshuns everyone who entered on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Well done to [cran]jeff for winning and congratulations to the rest of you! Well Desevered!!!

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
Oh my, I don't know what to say , didn't expect to win so haven't prepared anything.

Firstly , commiserations to Battie, mighty fine achievement just getting to the final (don't forget theirs no losers in here, every WU submitted means yer a winner)

I'd like to thank all the above for cups, smilie's and sweeties. Makes me feel all warm and wanted :D

To eXothermic , you better believe I'm now on for the double :D.

Finally I'd like to saw a big THANK YOU to Mr.whitworth and Mr. Mark G for all their efforts, most excellently done gents.

Now get Mr. Spanky all revved up I is a comin'

Congratulations [cran]jeff, a worthy winner. Think you got the most number of perfect drags - tighter control of your stash than my wife has of my pocket money.

Comiserations to Battie and a big thanks to AD, Mark et al.
Well played there [cran]jeff

To be honest, i had no idea i was in the final :D I've been at my gf's so my crunched has been running unattended :P

Very well played to everyone that took part :D and hopefully we'll have a rematch soon Jeff :P

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