Andor (Star Wars)

22 Dec 2006
Around Town

will debut on Disney+ in 2022
an Original Series set in the Star Wars universe 12-episode series is set five years before the events of Rogue One
If they were canny maybe have Han or Lando be the contact for illegal goods at some point. Both of those actors still fit the age range for when this is set nicely. Han having a bad experience would tie in with his "I'm no hero kid" in ANH.

Anyway looks like they might do a nice job.
If they were canny maybe have Han or Lando be the contact for illegal goods at some point. Both of those actors still fit the age range for when this is set nicely. Han having a bad experience would tie in with his "I'm no hero kid" in ANH.

Anyway looks like they might do a nice job.

If the Mandalorian is anything to go by, I imagine we will get a lot of fan service highly possible.
Upcoming Star Wars Disney Plus TV show Andor began filming in late 2020, with actor Diego Luna reprising his role as the Rebel soldier from 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. If you were hoping to see his entertaining robot companion K-2SO in the show, however, you might be out of luck – actor Alan Tudyk, who both voiced and mo-capped the character, says he's not in the series.

Shame I liked the droid
I look forward to this. Rogue One and Force Awakens are the only 2 Star Wars films I've liked since the original trilogy and if I'm honest since Empire.
I have high hopes for Andor but I'm apprehensive. Rogue One has been the only Disney Star Wars I've had any desire to re-watch. Solo was alright but knowing what could have been and what ended up on the cutting room floor it was just too disappointing. Controversially I'm not a fan of the Mandalorian either.
Just been up to to see the film set for this that's 15 mins walk from my house:-


Excuse the blurriness, this was the closest I could get and had to use zoom.
I'm certainly interested. Rogue One was one of the best films of recent times, never mind the whole Star Wars franchise!

If they were canny maybe have Han or Lando be the contact for illegal goods at some point.
I really hope they don't do anything of the sort...!!
It always feels cheap when they drop in fan-service nods like that. At best, it makes me think they couldn't write new characters engaging enough to carry the story without having the Old Guard come in and shoulder some of the responsibility, as if their presence somehow imparts validity to the film/programme.... and at worst, it makes me think the whole writing team just plagiarised a crappy FanFic.

Nah, just give us decent new characters and let them do their thing.
I liked Rogue One but I never once thought it would interesting to know about Ando's life, Disney could be doing much more interesting stories like what Luke actually got up to after RotJ (Let's just scrap EP7 to 9, they didn't happen) or what Vader got up to between RotS and New Hope/Rogue One, hell I'd even find a show about Chirrut and Baze more insteresting simply because they were more interesting characters than Ando.
Teaser Trailer - Looks really interesting considering the main character wasn't a huge draw.

Yeah, I mean potentially its one of the best series for giving us just a good story set Pre a new hope / rogue one.

They have got the vibe down.

cross my fingers
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