Andor (Star Wars)

Is that Satine? If so awesome - we might see a glimpse of Ahsoka. Based on the visuals appears has a larger budget similar to mando. Excited
This looks better than most of the recent Star Wars shows, hopefully with the team behind Rogue One we get something good and not a watered-down show.
This looks better than most of the recent Star Wars shows, hopefully with the team behind Rogue One we get something good and not a watered-down show.
This, Rogue One was a great movie and, in my opinion, on par with Empire. I loved how they crafted a fantastic story, around a scenario we already knew the outcome of, made it thrilling with compelling characters along with some amazing set pieces and a decent dollop of fan service, without it feeling like it was forced in there to tick a box.

I hope Andor captures that ambience.
I really couldn't see the point in a whole series about a character who, to be frank, wasn't a massive draw in the SW world, but that trailer looks "epic" in scale/scope, and the series seemingly being based on the foundation of the Rebels that's a far more interesting idea to me than being based around one relatively bland man so whilst it's not quite "all aboard the hype train", I'm as excited as modern SW can get me, lets just hope it's actually good!
I personally think he has the same vibe as Captain Rex from The clone wars/rebels. He isn’t a main character but more of a relatable character that is trying to survive the empire.
I liked Rogue One but I never once thought it would interesting to know about Ando's life, Disney could be doing much more interesting stories like what Luke actually got up to after RotJ (Let's just scrap EP7 to 9, they didn't happen) or what Vader got up to between RotS and New Hope/Rogue One, hell I'd even find a show about Chirrut and Baze more insteresting simply because they were more interesting characters than Ando.

They've got to keep the production line going, like one of Stalin's tank factories that they moved East after the early successes of Operation Barbarossa, which ran 24/7 with no roof on in Winter. It doesn't matter what interest levels there are or how good it is. They are literally just spamming content.
They've got to keep the production line going, like one of Stalin's tank factories that they moved East after the early successes of Operation Barbarossa, which ran 24/7 with no roof on in Winter. It doesn't matter what interest levels there are or how good it is. They are literally just spamming content.
Oh give it a rest, the first episode hasn’t even aired yet…
This, Rogue One was a great movie and, in my opinion, on par with Empire. I loved how they crafted a fantastic story, around a scenario we already knew the outcome of, made it thrilling with compelling characters along with some amazing set pieces and a decent dollop of fan service, without it feeling like it was forced in there to tick a box.

I hope Andor captures that ambience.
Agreed, Rogue One is easily my favourite SW film since the originals. Disney's recent output has been poor on the whole (Mandalorian aside, although season 2 wasn't as good and I didn't like what they did with his story in Boba Fett, which aside from one or two episodes, I found pretty bad) so I won't hold my breath but I'll give this a chance.
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