AndrewNR's log

Time to reignite this post.

Giving 5/3/1 a try.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

True Max: 135 Training Max: 122
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
5 49 5 49 5 49 5 49
5 61 5 61 5 61 5 61
3 74 3 74 3 74 3 74
5 80 3 86 5 92
5 92 3 98 3 104
5+ 104 3+ 110 1+ 116

Bench Press
True Max: 117.5 Training Max: 106
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
5 43 5 43 5 43 5 43
5 53 5 53 5 53 5 53
3 64 3 64 3 64 3 64
5 69 3 75 5 80
5 80 3 85 3 91
5+ 91 3+ 96 1+ 101

True Max: 160 Training Max: 144
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
5 58 5 58 5 58 5 58
5 72 5 72 5 72 5 72
3 87 3 87 3 87 3 87
5 94 3 101 5 108
5 108 3 116 3 123
5+ 123 3+ 130 1+ 137

Military Press (seated)
True Max: 62.5 Training Max: 57
Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight Reps Weight
5 23 5 23 5 23 5 23
5 29 5 29 5 29 5 29
3 35 3 35 3 35 3 35
5 38 3 40 5 43
5 43 3 46 3 49
5+ 49 3+ 52 1+ 55

May have underestimated the Military Press by a couple of kilos, but I'll see how the first block goes first.
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Meh, that's come out terribly. :eek:

Week 1 - Squats

5 reps 50
5 reps 62.5
3 reps 75
5 reps 80
5 reps 92.5
8 reps 105
10 reps 50

Probably could have managed 9 or 10 at 105 but it was the first week and I've had a cough all week.
Any advice welcome. Only spent a bit of time looking into the 531 program.

What assistance work should I do, if any?

With my 531 program I have tended to do the "big but boring" assistance work i.e. 5 x 10 at 50% training max

Having said that some single leg work for squats (lunges or bulgarian split lunges) and tricep work for bench have also been useful.

Either way accessory work is a real winner :)
With my 531 program I have tended to do the "big but boring" assistance work i.e. 5 x 10 at 50% training max

Having said that some single leg work for squats (lunges or bulgarian split lunges) and tricep work for bench have also been useful.

Either way accessory work is a real winner :)

Not really a fan of lunges (and I guess splits) as I always end up slightly injuring my knee or upper quad. :(

I think I will do:
Either Hack or Front squats (on squat day) - maybe 3 x 10 calf raises too
Incline Bench Press (on bench press day)
Pull Ups (on deadlift day)
Bro curls and dips (tricep) (on military press day)

Edit: looking here: it looks like they tend to just mix up the main core 4 moves.

So I guess:
Squat 5/3/1
Deadlift 5 x 10 (50%)

Bench Press 5/3/1
Incline Bench Press 5 x 10 (50%)

Deadlift 5/3/1
Hack/Front Squat 5 x 10 (50%)

Military Press 5/3/1
Pull ups 5 x however many I can do
Bro curls 5 x 10 (50%+)
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Week 1 - Deadlift

5 reps 60
5 reps 75
3 reps 90
5 reps 95
5 reps 110
7 reps 125
10 reps 60

5 sets felt easy so I thought I must have under-judged. That wasn't the case when set 6 came along. reps 5, 6 and 7 were tough.
Week 1 - Military Press (seated)

5 reps 25
5 reps 30
3 reps 35
5 reps 40
5 reps 45
11 reps 50
10 reps 25

Probably undersold my "True Max" at 62.5kg. I guess my true max is 66/67kg. Not sure what it would be standing up (66/67? :))
Week 2 - Squats

Reps Weight
5 50
5 61
3 75
3 86
3 100
7 110
10 50
10 50
10 50
10 50
10 50

No accessory work yet as I'm still suffering from a cold/sore throat/phlegm etc.

Accessory work for squat day will be stiff-legged deadlifts.
Week 2 - Deadlift (Tuesday)

Reps Weight
5 60
5 75
3 90
3 101
3 116
6 130
10 60
10 60
10 60
10 60
10 60

Week 2 - Military Press (Seated)

Reps Weight
5 25
5 30
3 35
3 40
3 46
9 52.5
10 25
10 25
10 25
10 25
10 25
Still feel like crap (worse than last week) - keep calm and struggle to breath etc.

Week 3 - Squats

Reps Weight
5 50
5 61
3 75
5 92.5
3 105
5 116
5 sets x 10 reps @ 50

Week 3 - Bench Press

Reps Weight
5 45
5 55
3 65
5 80
3 91
6 101
5 sets x 10 reps @ 45

Week 3 - Deadlift

Reps Weight
5 60
5 72.5
3 87.5
5 110
3 125
4 137.5
5 sets x 10 reps @ 60

Week 3 - Military Press (Seated)

Reps Weight
5 25
5 30
3 35
5 45
3 50
7 55
5 sets x 10 reps @ 25

The week coming up (week 4) is deload week - so hopefully less strain on my body = better health for the week after.

I need to add assistance work at some point, but at the moment just the 'core' workout has me knackered.
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Week 4 (deload week) I missed completely due to the illness hitting its peak and rendering me useless.

I'm excluding the 10 reps I do with the 20kg bar to warm-up.

1st week is getting an idea of what assistance weight/work to do.


Week 1 - Squats

Reps Weight
5...... 51kg
5...... 65kg
3...... 76kg
5...... 82.5kg
5...... 95kg
5...... 110kg
5 sets x 10 reps @ 65kg (these were a killer cardio wise)

Romanian deadlift
10..... 40kg
10..... 40kg
7....... 50kg

Was still feeling weak after recovering from illness, not happy with only doing 5 reps @ 110kg.

Week 1 - Bench Press

Reps Weight
5...... 45kg
5...... 55kg
3...... 65kg
5...... 71kg
5...... 81kg
9...... 92.5kg
5 sets x 10 reps @ 60kg

Bent over row
10..... 40kg
10..... 40kg
7....... 50kg

Week 1 - Deadlift

Reps Weight
5...... 60kg
5...... 75kg
3...... 90kg
5...... 97.5kg
5...... 112.5kg
8...... 127.5kg
5 sets x 10 reps @ 75kg (my forearm was killing me so had to do alternate grip a bit at the end - trying to do them with palm facing down as much as possible)

Pushups (I weigh about 105kg)

Could have done more reps and more sets but taking it easy as my chest was still a bit sore from Sunday.

Week 1 - Military Press (Seated)

Reps Weight
5...... 25kg
5...... 31kg
3...... 37.5kg
5...... 40kg
5...... 46kg
8...... 52.5kg
5 sets x 10 reps @ 31kg

Pullups (I weigh about 105kg)

My weight and lack of back strength doesn't really go hand-in-hand for this but I'll get there... slowly.

Although 531 is four days a week I think I prefer it over a 5x5 3-day week. :cool:
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