I'm currently on Voda with a Samsung Nomnomnia which I've installed with a Sektor v6.5 Winmo Rom..
I think (I've got to double check) I might be able to start the 'Upgrade' process soon and I'm wondering which Phone to go to!..
The Phones that interest me are:
HTC Hero (or Magic)
Nokia N900
Now I've used Winmo v6.5 (albeit a Cooked Version) and actually like it, but I'm very interested in Android, and Linux on a Phone really wets my whistle a little!..
I don't want an (overpriced) iPhone and can't stand Symbian as an OS!, so that leaves Android, Winmo and Linux..
So out of these three phones (or any other ones you can suggest) which should I push to the top of my Upgrade Negotiations??..
I think (I've got to double check) I might be able to start the 'Upgrade' process soon and I'm wondering which Phone to go to!..
The Phones that interest me are:
HTC Hero (or Magic)
Nokia N900
Now I've used Winmo v6.5 (albeit a Cooked Version) and actually like it, but I'm very interested in Android, and Linux on a Phone really wets my whistle a little!..
I don't want an (overpriced) iPhone and can't stand Symbian as an OS!, so that leaves Android, Winmo and Linux..
So out of these three phones (or any other ones you can suggest) which should I push to the top of my Upgrade Negotiations??..
