angels and airwaves and plus44

Woody__ said:
Did I say he was a better drummer than Weckl? Surely someone who "doesn't know anything about drumming" wouldn't even know who Weckl is, let alone be able to draw a comparison?

Your comment stating that 'no one out of Blink should be able to make music again' was obviously a shot to try and draw a reaction from someone in this thread [cough]TROLL![/cough] and I don't see why you'd want to deprive the world of one of the best drummers in the popular realm.
Guess which band I like!!!

The debut song for +44 was great and cant wait for there album and AVA's to come out, glad its Mark and Travis! The girl in the bands quite cool too!

IceBus said:
Your comment stating that 'no one out of Blink should be able to make music again' was obviously a shot to try and draw a reaction from someone in this thread [cough]TROLL![/cough] and I don't see why you'd want to deprive the world of one of the best drummers in the popular realm.
Not really. I detested Blink and I feel that they shouldn't be allowed to make music again as punishment for unleashing Blink upon the world. I also think that Travis is a bit overrated. There are certainly better punk drummers there, IMO and I think that some of the praise he get is unjustified.
Woody__ said:
I detested Blink and I feel that they shouldn't be allowed to make music again as punishment for unleashing Blink upon the world.
And what exacly is it that you dont like?
Andr3w said:
And what exacly is it that you dont like?
Pretty much everything I can think of. The vocals, the lyrics, the guitars, the bass, the melody...I can't find one redeeming feature.
Woody__ said:
Pretty much everything I can think of. The vocals, the lyrics, the guitars, the bass, the melody...I can't find one redeeming feature.
Did you even listen to the AvA or Plus-44 samples? Because they're pretty different to the blink style.
drunknmunky said:
Did you even listen to the AvA or Plus-44 samples? Because they're pretty different to the blink style.
Not a fan of either at this stage. Where there's more material, I'll check again. But it's looking grim.
Arcade Fire said:

Get over yourself.

PS Have you ever heard of local Glasgow bands Santo Caserio or Mesa Verde?
What can I say. I'm a bit of a music facist.
I've heard of Mesa Verde, not Santo Caserio. I've not been keeping up on the Glasgow scene of late, to be honest.
Santo Caserio are disbanded now anyway, so that's probably why. Go see Mesa VErde if you get the chance. They're pretty rad.

PS being a music fascist is Not Cool.
Both not bad bands but when AvA played at hyde park in the summer ive never been so irritated in my life people go to a gig to hear music not to listen to some tart harp on about one thing or another and then play some really bad Blink covers, im glad i work at them and get into them for nothing or i would have been very very peeved
IceBus said:
Hahahaha. You obviously know absolutely nothing about drumming then as Travis Barker is a very good drummer.
You obviously know absolutely nothing about drumming, because he's not that great.

His technique sucks, his grip has a high chance of landing him with carpal tunnel, he has to stand up to hit his rack tom, which just screams 'I set this kit up so it would look cool'
Not to mention the cymbal heights just asking for breakages.

And I haven't even got started on those ridiculous tattoos.

[EDIT:]Just noticed the date on the posts in this thread.

Arcade Fire said:
Santo Caserio are disbanded now anyway, so that's probably why. Go see Mesa VErde if you get the chance. They're pretty rad.

PS being a music fascist is Not Cool.
I'm not being a music fascist to be cool. I just can't help the way I am.

Incindetally, given that I've heard both AVA and +44 by now, I think I can comment. AVA were terrible. I literally fell asleep listening to their album. So boring. +44 are actually alright, from what I've heard so far. Sounded a bit like Alkaline Trio, the track I heard, but it was pretty decent. Travis is still over-rated, arm brakage/arm tumour or not.
When I seen them supporting the Foo Fighters this summer they were pants. 20 minutes sanctamonious clap trap after every song. Quite rightly, sections of the crowd booed them because the three songs they got around to doing were bad. Poor accoustics & Poor performance.
why does every music thread on here have to descend into some petty tit-for-tat argument?

quite liked some of blinks songs, they were quite hit-and-miss for me, but i'd like to see what they're doing now. they do have a tendency to be very poor live.
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