Anno 1701?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
This game looks pretty good, there havent been any decent city builders in a while and im thinking about trying this out, has anyone played it? is it like a 17 century sim city? or completely different?
I'm enjoying this game too, played the demo, then bought the game.
Can be a bit annoying when you run out of "a certain type goods".
God i hate that voice over!
Can be quite amusing though watching your city burn.
Help, theres someone in the house... Burn ****** ****** BURN!! :D :cool:
I've played it to death. I even wrote a website to work out which resources are needed at which stage. I also dumped a load of screenshots into the screenie thread, although they will be buried by now.
Roduga said:
I also dumped a load of screenshots into the screenie thread, although they will be buried by now.

Yeah, I remember those. Looked pretty damn good with that depth of field effect on the pictures.
It is Awsome!!

My girlfriend loves it :D

The only reason i dont play it much is because my 5500fx doesnt cope very well :p :(
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