
22 Oct 2006
I let my brother borrow my earphones for his iPod because he had broken his own ones, since I wasnt using them. Another pair of earphones arrived at the door, which I had purchased online at Christmas but were out of stock costing a tenner, (not knowing my mp3 player already had them)

Since he had none, and I had no real use for them I gave my new pair to him for 2 pounds, a week ago, I havent recived that money yet, he wont give it to me either, and my old favourite set of earphones which I had originally gave him now have a peice missing, one earphone cover is missing, and it hurts my ear a lot!, basicly I cant use them.

He 'dosent want to talk about it' nor will he offer me an appology or my headphones which he has not paid for back.

Im annoyed, should I take my pair of headphones back with force or buy another new pair, or kick his ass?

(Sorry its late and I had to get it off my chest)
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