
22 Oct 2006
I let my brother borrow my earphones for his iPod because he had broken his own ones, since I wasnt using them. Another pair of earphones arrived at the door, which I had purchased online at Christmas but were out of stock costing a tenner, (not knowing my mp3 player already had them)

Since he had none, and I had no real use for them I gave my new pair to him for 2 pounds, a week ago, I havent recived that money yet, he wont give it to me either, and my old favourite set of earphones which I had originally gave him now have a peice missing, one earphone cover is missing, and it hurts my ear a lot!, basicly I cant use them.

He 'dosent want to talk about it' nor will he offer me an appology or my headphones which he has not paid for back.

Im annoyed, should I take my pair of headphones back with force or buy another new pair, or kick his ass?

(Sorry its late and I had to get it off my chest)
Younger brother? You know what they're like. Either take it or give him a slap.

Certainly worked for my older brother when I was younger :D


He was born in 1991.
Kicking his arse will cause a fight, as will taking them back.

If he wont talk to you about it then you have no option but to speak to your parents.

When you say talking, screaming at him wont help. You possess something he wans, but he needs to understand he either needs to buy his own or give you money for yours.

OR you could keep the peace and get some more. Saying that, your brother will never learn and there will be repeat performances with other items.
Pour water in his bed at night and make your parents think he's wetting the bed, actually i wouldn't advise this ;)

It's a pair of head phones, get new ones and in the future if he wants something from you just don't give it to him unless he pays first :) .
My heart bleeds for you. Younger brother's apologising to you is quite an unlikely event, best bet is to get yourself a new set and don't lend him things from now on or yea - break his limbs.
EirePlane said:
Poundland for the win TBH. I still have a working pair of headphones I got for €2 in Ireland.

Thats 2 Euro's though, not 1 pound! What has Poundland come to!

Just go steal the earphones back, and steal some other stuff too. Like his Pokemon cards or something. :p
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