another build! check pls

17 Aug 2005
Gloucester, UK
ok yet another build for a friend, he wants to learn to overclock, and wants a good system to start, this is what i came up with, he wont be using SLI, but ive heard the EVGA clocks great

thoughts and opinions please :)

The neforce 680 is suppose to be a very good overclocking board. Do you really need a raptor? Personally I would put 2 x seagates in there in raid 0, but some people don't like that, too much risk of losing date, but you could get a lot more space for the price. Unfortunatly I have no experiance with that RAM but I believe it is suppose to be very good and highly overclockable.
Rest of the system looks pretty good.
silverstone tj05 , tagen 580. the ram i thought would be nice and clockable, the hdd i will swap for 2 seagates raid 0
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