Another Free trial

17 Mar 2004
Market Drayton, Salop
Seeing as not many people realised that they had a free weekend email for City of Heroes i thought id post the latest free offer ive received.

21 free consecutive days for Star Wars Galaxies, must be taken before the 30th september.

It has something to do with the latest release, King of the Beasts.
Can't see it been too popular tbh :p

Speaking of CoH though, just bought it from work for £9 bundled with Dawn of War :D
I hate new SWG so badly that it makes me want to nuke this thread just for advertising it :mad:
Zefan said:
I hate new SWG so badly that it makes me want to nuke this thread just for advertising it :mad:

I feel the same but its a free trial and i thought some people would be interested.

Roll on SWGEmu :D
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