You have reminded me of my other motorway peeve - people who plough the outside lane at 100 mph regardless of any traffic. Utterly moronic - if I needed to tap my breaks due to the manoeuvring of a car in front of me, you could have a 10 car pile up after they smash into the back of you.
Why people think that everybody should move out of the way so they can execute their 'plough' procedure is beyond me - you can't just get out of the outside lane, even in moderate traffic.
These types in combination with middle lane drivers make for motorway hell.
I had this driving back from Gatwick after teh honeymoon. Used to USA driving, came back and had some **** in a 4x4 come charging up behind me flashing his lights. I couldn't go anywhere due to traffic plus I was doing 90mph ish anyway.
Pulled over when I could and he pulls up next to me doing the ****** hand gesture and his mate doing gun signs. So they got hand gestures back. Then the pulled in front and slowed down, i over took. this goes on for 10 miles before they pull on to the hard shoulder!