Another LastPass Security Incident

I don't want to be bullish, but I think every convenient/easy password manager service out there is susceptible to hacks or breaches like this.

I have very mixed feelings as large breaches like lastpass (or the one above for example) have happened and will happen and the only control we have is to change our passwords as we have no control over all the computers that hold our personal information for billing and such yet its hard to ignore the feeling that lots of people have of Panic!, Panic! , Panic! , dig trenches, setup laser turrets, we are all completely ******!
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They should have good enough devs to be able to keep the holes closed IMO. Password vaults should be 100% secure.

If they can't make SSL https links 100% secure that started heartbleed then it doesn't give much hope for a 100% secure vault as SSL is the second biggest project on the internet, has the most amount of devs checking over the code and has had millions spent on it thanks to the likes of Google and Microsoft in security audits.

They always say the worst security is on the inside and that certainly true for Lastpass and SSL as both have been breached due to the dev side of things.
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