Another "Oh no whats this beastie in my garden thread?"

I had a much more pleasant visitor :p


It's not that one you want to worry about, it's the 2 others hiding in the bushes either side ready to pounce.

It's the velociraptor of the spider world.
We've had loads of those spiders in the garden this week. Normally I don't mind, but this morning I walked straight into an enormous web across the path when I went to put the bins out. Yeuchhhhhh
Pretty amazing photograph, look at the detail!

Thanks, composition is rubbish nd the background sucks but at least it's in focus :p

How did you get so close :eek: And what camera do you use?!

Canon 400D + reversed 35-80 EF lens.

More pictures raikari :p

How did you hold the camera still + get it to hold still on your finger?

I rested the end of the lens on my thumb and took the shot in manual focus. I used the on board flash with a diffuser.

As for more... erm:




Wow that really is an amazing picture of that Moth/Butterfly

Thanks :)
when these 8-legged freaks have a gazillion eyes and they're big enough for me to see the whites of, then i know the bugger is to big to tackle single-handedly. Then its time to call in the marines!
Yeah baby!
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