Another one bites the dust :(

7 Oct 2003
Another one bites the dust :( But Fixed Now!

My 2nd 360 froze and gave me "the red ring of doom" today and it's out of warranty :(

I'm really fed up, I love 360 gaming but i'm getting fed up with MS crappy hardware. It seems in order to play 360 games you will have to keep replacing the console every so often. It's a stupid situation and how the hell do MS get away with it? I've owned every console and except for PS1 and PS2 laser problems i've never had a cosole just die on me before.

What i plan to do now is buy a core system and sell my core components for spares or repairs on the bay. I won't pay MS for a refurb as these seem to have a very short life expectancy so it's my only option really

This will be my 3rd and final 360 if it happens again (odds on it will) i'm switching to PS3 but i will miss games like GoW :(

Rant over!
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Unlucky, they're dropping like flies all over the place I would just get a new core system from a known highstreet retailer they should have new stock hopefully consoles made in 2007 :).
The weird thing is the peripherals and cables are made to a pretty good quality. Just a shame the console itself its susceptible to failure so often.
Cores are available for about £130. I'd get that and spend the money on an extended warranty as you don't sound like you want to try the sale of goods act on the one you have.
I don't want an "elite" prefer white, HDMI doesn't bother me and don't wan't to wait.

I notice Argos are selling a core system for £199 and do 3 years cover for £29.99.

Any oppinions on this?
Even though it's out of warranty, I'd be pushing to get a replacement, saying that it's unacceptable for a console to not last this long.

To quote the DTI, here's the relevant section of the SoGA that I'd be quoting:

In general, the onus is on all purchasers to prove the goods did not conform to contract (e.g. was inherently faulty) and should have reasonably lasted until this point in time (i.e. perishable goods do not last for six years).
dannyjo22 said:
Cores are available for about £130. I'd get that and spend the money on an extended warranty as you don't sound like you want to try the sale of goods act on the one you have.

£130 :eek: wish i new where!

Don't want to go through sale of goods act as it was bought from a online so i can't just walk in to a shop.


I cant understand why so few people are on so many 360s.

Holy crap you have played as many games as me but only got 375 gamerpoints, yarr.
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cheets64 said:

I cant understand why so few people are on so many 360s.

Holy crap you have played as many games as me but only got 375 gamerpoints, yarr.

It really isn't so few people though, Just google

I also have friends and family who are on there 2nd and 3rd. It's a genuine problem and it really isn't a case of people only post when somethings wrong or a handfull of people who are very vocal.

I've not bothered with gamer points and spend more time online, Although i i have picked up a few games like King kong to rectify this as soon as i get time as my score is a little embarrassing!
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All the reports of problems with the 360 really puts me off getting one.

I was hoping that the new versions would provide an answer, but this doesn't look to be the case.

Guess I will stick with my original xbox for the time being it seems too much of a lottery and I don't like the odds :(
wiltonson said:
somehow i'm wondering if i should suspect if these dead 360 posts are real? i mean... look at it.... so many dead 360 until it's shocking!

Yep, everyones making it up to put others off buying them, we want to keep all the gaming goodness for ourselves. We all keep them inside an oven too, just to make sure that they overheat. We then pretend to go to the store and buy/exchange our 2nd or 3rd replacement in the hope that its not a dodgy one as we have invested 100's if not a 1000 quid on peripherals on games, thats assuming that we can still find the receipts of course.

Someone posts up my 360 has failed, within the first page you get someone coming on to say how its all being made up just because they personally dont have an issue with their unit.
After some research i might try the rubber eraser method as it looks fairly simple and people seem to be having success.

It's basicly cutting 4mm slivers of rubber and glueing them to the 4 ram chips on the underside of the motherboard. from what i can gather this puts presure on the ram and keeps the motherboard from flexing due to heat.

So the basic problem seems to be the motherboard flexing under the the immense heat the 360 (CPU/GPU) produces breaking the poor solder joints.

The heatgun, oven and towel method are not permanent solutions and not worth doing imo because of the danger to the 360.

I've also tried hugging and banging!
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I reckon a cheap core would be your best bet from the bay, auctioning off controllers and power brick should yield a little cash back.
I love the Xbox 360, but there are massive flaws in the build quality of the console. It's one thingto have great console, but when people question the reliability then you are going to lose a lot of customers.
I really hope that the console refresh makes it more reliable or I can see PS3 winning "the war" on reliability alone, and it's not even been out that long... :(
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