Another problem..

17 Jul 2010
So i turned my PC on the side and tried to take 1 stick of ram out etc etc to see if it would fix another problem.

instead of turning the PC straight up i did it upside down and the PSU came off. i turned it back to straight and turned on the computer, no display. now the PSU is making a buzzing noice when moved or something.

Did the PSU die and kill something else with it ? :/
jesus fella, fortune certainly aint shinning on you. i'm guessing if the psu is now making a buzzing noise that aint a good sign. tho you'd need to maybe get your hands on another psu to test on your system now.
Is main power power connector in properly, I had a mains lead which did not fit properly!
everything is in correctly, the noise worries me, i dont know if ive killed somehting..

To hell with it - Should i just get a refnd for all the parts ive bought and buy again sepaarately ?
to be honest mate, if i was you, i'd get a refund and buy a pre-built pc that come with all working parts and everything pre-tested
What do you mean the PSU 'came off'?? You mean fell out of it's mountings in the case? Did it smash into the GPU on the way? What's the noise - electrical buzz/hum?? Or mechanical - like the fan trying to spin and scraping/rubbing something? Check PSU and GPU for damage. GPU inserted properly?
Take it all apart and build it again double check everything, if it's still worrying you after that then do as you suggested.
Didnt smash anything, gpu is in properly and when i staert the pc up the fan spins on it.

yeah it fell from its montings and the 3 screws fell somewhere, i found 2. im not an expert with hardware so something might not be connected properly? and the bzz is electrical
Yh. If you have a missing screw then it could have fell inside the PSU and lodged against something and be buzzing. Take the power supply out and give it a shake and if anything is rattling it is probably the screw.
found the screw, it wasnt in the power supply, bottom of the case.
assembled everything yet its still making a buzz while im trying to connect it.
guess im gonna have to say bb to it ?
if it didnt buzz before ya dropped it and you've also found the screw, thus ruling out the possibility that this went into the psu and was causing the buzzing noise, i'm afraid it's looking highly likely that you've busted something and your gonna have to send it for rma/repair

sorry fella
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