Another World

28 Oct 2003
Anyone played the new hi-res version recently?

I appear to be stuck. I'll try to describe where I am.
I've escaped from the swinging cage you are put in and made it down to the tunnels. I've jumped across biting mouths and hanging tentacles and shot a hole into a wall opening a big empty chamber. I've then made my way back to the room where there is a giant rock balanced on a small pillar. Shooting the pillar makes the rock tip over so you can climb back up.

However, my guy does not want to get on the rock. He seems to be stuck at the (now destroyed) pillar and can't go past it. Any ideas? The access code for my bit is RABH.

EDIT: Picture here -
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Can't quite remeber the exact process but seem to remeber water playing a key role down there.

I was going to play this last night, payed my E7 and waited for an e mail with the unlock code. After waiting until midnight I went to bed. How long did your code take to come through?
I ordered it before I went away for a few days. When I came back it was there. Maybe 48 hours?

The water bit is the next bit to come. I need to climb up this slab so I can go and shoot the barrier to let the water out.
I remember now, it is a big anvil shaped rock, you should just be able to run up there, so long as you are on the right side of it.

If you cannot get up I reckon there must be a glitch.
I figured it out! I was falling off the stalactites too early. There are about five in all. If you jump/hang on all five then you get back on to the top of the slab you can go down the other side, shoot it and run up. D'oh!
Good thinking!

Hope my code turns up soon I want to play this game. I have such good memories playing this 15 years ago! Getting old, eh?
I think I played it on the Amiga when I was about 15. And here we are again 15 years later... There was another one after this but I can't remember what the devil it's called and if it was done by the same Eric bloke. If it was, I hope he re-releases it like this one.
ic1male said:
I think I played it on the Amiga when I was about 15. And here we are again 15 years later... There was another one after this but I can't remember what the devil it's called and if it was done by the same Eric bloke. If it was, I hope he re-releases it like this one.

Flashback :D
I never got my key, after I forked out a fiver. Tried emailing the idiots, and I'll do so again soon. After that I'll probably get my bank to talk to them.

Anyway, I'm playing the full version of the game now whether they give me a key or not. Truly pathetic service, shame considering what an awesome game this is.
There was flashback and also there was fade to black which was a 3rd person action/adventure game set in the Another world universe if I remember correctly. Didn't think much of FtB but after purchasing the Another World hi-res game and completing it dug out my old amiga and whacked on flashback, only to remember i had it on the megadrive and wouldn't have to keep swapping discs :p

Edit: n3crius - shame about your key it's weird because when I ordered it, when I first heard it was out, the key only took about 20 minutes to srrive which e-mail provider are you using as it may have been sent straight to junk/spam e-mail?
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Eva01 said:
There was flashback and also there was fade to black which was a 3rd person action/adventure game set in the Another world universe if I remember correctly. Didn't think much of FtB but after purchasing the Another World hi-res game and completing it dug out my old amiga and whacked on flashback, only to remember i had it on the megadrive and wouldn't have to keep swapping discs :p

Edit: n3crius - shame about your key it's weird because when I ordered it, when I first heard it was out, the key only took about 20 minutes to srrive which e-mail provider are you using as it may have been sent straight to junk/spam e-mail?

well, yes i'm now completely dumping hotmail as it's the worst service in the world. however i'd since tried other things, including emailing this company from another account and have no response.

god this game takes me back. the great thing about playing a game like this after so much time is you truly realise that you've improved as a player since your early teens etc. i just didn't have the cognitive ability, patience, or reflex to progress into the game the way i can now. it's a great little benchmark really!
I wonder if he will do the same 'redux' version for flashback? A much bigger game so probably not, was pure class though - the graphics back then just blew me away, the fluidity of the animation!
nands said:
I wonder if he will do the same 'redux' version for flashback? A much bigger game so probably not, was pure class though - the graphics back then just blew me away, the fluidity of the animation!

unlikely. that would require a very different conversion.

flastback was all sprite based. what they did with AW was just update the engine so the vectors on the polys were up to date, and stick some new textures on.

it's totally do-able but i'd imagine it'd take a lot more effort to polish up flashback. if i remember, there were a hell of a lot more screens also? but i'd love to play that game agian.

btw, anyone play the third game Fade To Black? I played it on the PS before I got TombRaider and it was pretty amazing at the time.
I had fade to black on PC, was a good game for its time but will not work on current computers, treid it a few years back.

I remember the prerendered scenes were the best graphics I had ever seen!
Alas, Flashback was not done by Eric Chahi. I will have to try and find Amiga Forever in my disc box and try that out. Hope it works on XP x64.
got this on the megadrive somewhere.
good game, got to the bit after the tank and the pool, where you've got wave after wave of baddies comming at you and then you die and lose.
never worked out what to do then.
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