Antec, something to consider

27 Aug 2005
Kent, England
Antec and their 3 year warranty, not worth the website it's displayed on. If you need to RMA an item directly with Antec you will be expected to pay the postage there AND back. Did I mention that the RMA centre is in Rotterdam? Basically the postage will cost more than the item is worth.

Note to self, only purchase items that have UK based support.

That's the last time I ever spend money on an Antec item.

[The history]

I have an Antec SmartPower 2.0 500w PSU, it has stopped working, just emits a nasty buzzing noise.
I contacted Antec requesting an RMA, noting in the request that I had tried the PSU on two different systems and it did the same on both, also that my other PSU (Antec TruePower 430w) would power either system succesfully.
Did they supply the RMA? No, they suggested I buy a TruePower 2.0 as my older Truepower obviously worked!
I politely pointed out that the PSU was actually faulty and under warranty at which point they provided the RMA request form.
Upon reading the small print I noticed the part about returning the item to the Rotterdam address and pre-paying the return postage!
[/The history]
Strange, I always thought Antec's RMA process was quite good. I requested a new set of side panels for my P180 (its a long story) and they were only too happy to help. A week after I requested the replacement, I received them (and it was all free).

It sucks that you have to pay postage (and not get money back for it) to return something. :(
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Postage there and back would be around £40, weight is around 1.75kg! Not worth it tbh.

Just thought it would be worth other people knowing before they purchase an item with what, on the surface, appears to be a good warranty.
Okay, just received an email from Antec (boy do they work late!) and they will pay the return postage. This is an improvement but it would be wholly better if they had a UK operation.
Having to pay any costs for a replacement product is out of order. If someone told me I had to pay the postage I would tell em where to get off. It was THEIR product that went **** up while under warranty - it is up to them to cover all the costs of replacement.

Where did you but it from, unless I'm mistaken your contract is with the supplier not Antec. If it's faulty they should arrange for it's repair, unless you boought it from Antec direct.
Not quite true pmdelaney, it is a manufacturers warranty not a suppliers warranty and therefore the manufacturers responsibility. The supplier may decide to help you with the process but they don't have to.
I absolutely agree, it's the last time I buy a new Antec item due to their RMA procedure. Second hand would be fine though as I wouldn't expect any warranty to be honoured anyway.

My Antec TruePower 550w died the other week and I've no receipt for it. However, luckily for me the supplier I bought it from has it in their online records so I know now I bought it 17/6/2003 which means it's still under warranty.

There is one problem though, the description on the invoice says 350W PSU with a price of £84 + VAT. I'm gonna email the supplier and see what they about RMA'ing it for me as I doubt Antec will believe that invoice is for my PSU regardless that it's the correct price for it. Hopefully things will turn out ok but I'm not holding my breath. :)
I have just received a replacement Antec NeoHE 430watt psu from Antec. I bought it from Overclockers, but did the RMA request direct with Antec. I refused to pay postage to Rotterdam and they told me to supply a photo of the PSU with the cables cut where they enter the case of the psu, and they would then post a new replacement to me which they did. Can't argue with that service.
That is a result! :D

How long did it take them to send it once they'd verified the photo and whatever else?

Also, how did you go about refusing to pay postage, I might have to try that if the supplier I got my PSU from gives me the run around (5 days to reply to email according to their telephone support message).
I emailed the photo to them last Thursday late evening, received the power supply yesterday (Wednesday). Not bad considering there was a bank holiday monday in between!!!!!! Also the replacement that I received was a retail boxed package. They told me to dispose of the old one (which was useless anyway after the wires were cut).

ps: the photo I sent had to show clearly the serial number sticker in the same shot as the cut wires. Additionally I had to send them a scan of my Overclockers invoice.

The contact at Antec Europe was someone called Riska.
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MeddlE any news on your Antec PSU RMA?

I am in communication with Riska at Antec RMA regarding my faulty 550w TrueControl PSU. He has requested I post the PSU to The Netherlands and said photographs via the cutting cables option hasn't been available for a while. :(
I can't find the receipt so I'm stuffed. The bizarre thing about that is they haven't been making them long enough for it to be out of warranty, but you still require the original receipt.

And that was my last ever Antec purchase.
Eisenhorn said:
I have just received a replacement Antec NeoHE 430watt psu from Antec. I bought it from Overclockers, but did the RMA request direct with Antec. I refused to pay postage to Rotterdam and they told me to supply a photo of the PSU with the cables cut where they enter the case of the psu, and they would then post a new replacement to me which they did. Can't argue with that service.

exact same thing that they did with me which was nice of them
will definitely pay far closer attention to companies rma procedures before purchasing in future
ideally want to only buy from companies with freepost RMAs and even better advanced RMAs

MEDDLE you should be able to get an order number or something from the company you bought it off if you ring them up or look at your account history

emails were slow but they sorted mine out eventually
actually ended up getting a better model from the rma got the 2.0 version instead
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I've to post my faulty PSU to Antec in the Netherlands. :(

It costs £23 via Royal Mail International Standard which includes £150 insurance. Riska (the Antec RMA guy) said the cutting cable/photograph method won't be used anymore so it looks like you guys who were given that option were fortunate. Fortunately Riska has decided to pay the postage of the new PSU being sent back to me. It really would have been ridiculous if I had to pay that postage as well.

I suppose it's not so bad seeing as it'd cost more than £23 to buy a new replacement although a new PSU would have a new warranty and most likely I would buy an Enermax seeing as they are reported to have excellent after sales service!
I'm expecting to have to return a PSU to Antec soon, so if I do I'll post in here about how it goes. I hope they'll let me use the wire cutting photo method, as some people have been able to and others haven't.
I hope you have better luck than I did. Main thing is they require a receipt or invoice. I sent a copy of the invoice (a PDF) but because it didn't state it was an Antec PSU and it had 350W on it instead of what I bought (550W TrueControl) I had to find the link to the item on the retailers website. I got lucky though because I found it on the retailers website and it matched the invoice item number which satisfied Antec's finance department.
My antec tri cool 120mm fan is making some clicking noise. I guess i should just forget about RMA it then.... I only had it for 6 months... what a quality product...
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