Antec's latest products!

Definitly would recommend you do that as the Corsair HX series is made by CWT who is not nearly as good as the original TruePower series.

HX up to 650w = seasonic
HX over 650w = CWT
TruePower = Seasonic

Corsair like to save costs using CWT.
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Well it was a cheap tactic, they built up reputation with Seasonic and then increased their margins by using CWT, CWT are good but not as good as Seasonic.

I believe you are right on this ocassion sadly. Early Corsair PSU's were far better quality than the newer Corsair ranges.
The way to tell if it is Seasonic or CWT is look at the box and the part code. If the part code is CP-XXXXXXX-UK (The X's being numbers) it will be CWT if its a 850 watt, but if the part code is something like CMPSU-850HXUK then it will be Seasonic.
Seasonic are one of what I would consider the tier 1 OEM PSU manufacturers for desktop PC's.
There are three tier one manufacturers in my opinion.


Then after that there are quite a few tier two OEM manufacturers.
CWT fall into this category in my opinion.
You can return to OcUK for the lifetime of the warranty, or you can ship directly to Antec in Holland, if you dont want to do that you can ship it to myself in the UK. I can handle it for you.
So these are not Delta like stated here?
Also do these work in fanless mode?

That website is wrong. They are 100% Seasonic.

This is the email I got at 1am this morning from our Antec product manager in Asia who works with the OEM factories and develops our PSU ranges. (of course his native language is not English, so excuse the grammar)

TP-C is OEM from Seasonic.
By the way, I really could not understand why customers always want to ask this.
Is that really important? No matter who is the OEM manufacture. Customer
is buying the product with Antec brand and service. I believe that will be the
most important point. I hope your customer will happy with the answer,
because we really have worked hard with Seasonic. I believe customer will happy with the build quality & nice components and 5 years warranty term. Thanks!

I have asked if they run fanless at low load, but Im guess not, as its not stated in the sale kit, but I will confirm once I have a final answer.
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Don`t they make Psus for Dell?

Maybe, not sure. I know they also make the AXi Corsair series which are decent units.
Much better than the old AX series, the AX series suffered with a clicking noise, very much similiar to a group of crickets at sunset in summer.
I have asked if they run fanless at low load, but Im guess not, as its not stated in the sale kit, but I will confirm once I have a final answer.

Dear Lee,

The fan will always running…We did not add semi-fanless circuit into TP-C,
because it will create a noise when the fan start to run and increase the
fan speed sharply. Thanks!
I do have to say I am pretty damn impressed by Antec now, with your representation.. direct answers to questions etc :)

Will keep that in mind when I decide to upgrade.

No problem, remember if you ever have any questions feel free to trust message me any time. I'm not here to sell, but to help answer any questions people have about products.
When did they change over to CWT out of curiosity? I've got 4 year old HX750, is that a Seasonic inside?:confused:

Check the box if the part code is CMPSU-750HXUK it is seasonic, if the part code is CW-XXXXXX-UK (X's being numbers) then it will be a CWT unit.
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