Anti Chav device

Then what would the chavs have to copy?

There are two types of chav: Ones who wear the burberry cap and tacky tracky bottoms and the ones who wish they were rappers in the ghetto.
Great, so now i get to have a headache when im walking home. This isnt going to be a deterrant just for chavs, but for every teenager that goes out. This will probably kill me, i can hear those cat things ffs and they give me a splitting headache for 7 days.
Think of the poor blind people with their dogs -surely it will affect our canine friends!
Silly idea in my opinion... much more effective hands on approaches the authorities could use.
dmpoole said:
The Sonic Teenager Deterrent - or Mosquito - projects a controlled 80-decibel pulsing frequency, which "irritates" younger ears but leaves older ones unaffected.
Don't they realise that chavs will just build up a tolerance this STD as they have all the others. :|
bad idea :mad: i can hear high freaquency sounds more then your average 20 year old and im not standing for it... i will break any in my local area if they are introduced grr rant over
Soogs said:
bad idea :mad: i can hear high freaquency sounds more then your average 20 year old and im not standing for it... i will break any in my local area if they are introduced grr rant over

Amen to that.
i dont get the complaining in this thread... surely it will be positioned outside a shop and only turned on when the chavs arrive ... so unless u happen to be hanging outside the shop (in which case ** even more chavvy than the chavs who just arrived) then its not goin to be a problem

ps. i think a chainsaw would be a better option :D
DJammyRasta said:
i dont get the complaining in this thread... surely it will be positioned outside a shop and only turned on when the chavs arrive ... so unless u happen to be hanging outside the shop (in which case ** even more chavvy than the chavs who just arrived) then its not goin to be a problem

ps. i think a chainsaw would be a better option :D
i just dont see the need to put others thru pain in order to try and move chavs elsewhere.
Nix said:
Then what would the chavs have to copy?

There are two types of chav: Ones who wear the burberry cap and tacky tracky bottoms and the ones who wish they were rappers in the ghetto.

hehe, that made me chuckle but its so true!!
Stellios said:
Great, so now i get to have a headache when im walking home. This isnt going to be a deterrant just for chavs, but for every teenager that goes out. This will probably kill me, i can hear those cat things ffs and they give me a splitting headache for 7 days.
If one of these was used near me and I was shown to not be doing anything (I would not be) then I would try and take legal action against the store, as it is seriouslly antisocial behavior as it means I would not be able to walk on a public footpath by a store!

I would not tolerate this, and so many other people would that the devices would not last that long.
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