Haha dozy sod.
Should be law to have/wear one, those that dont wana wear one just wana look cool and if they die its their own fault.
He knew the risks and accepted them, so yes it was his fault and he accepted it. He died doing something he enjoyed, fully aware of the risks.
Why should it be law? Where does your risk lie.
To save typing it out again.
I actually think this is a very important debate. Not for helmets per say. But because it can be used. For most aspects of live.
Where should the limits lie between personal freedom vs personal risk, should we start banning many many other things as the risks are similar to not wearing a helmet and we've banned that.
Take Tombstoning for example (jump of cliffs into water) should this be banned as the risk is high? Why is that legal but you have to wear a bike helmet?
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