so 2 hours after your first post, you decided to take your clothes off and "listen" again? :/
I think its a well known fact that listening to music butt-nekkid improves the tune of the song by like, 78%.
Also, gawd-dam!
Ears. Explode. Now.
so 2 hours after your first post, you decided to take your clothes off and "listen" again? :/
Nothing like ripping into a 12 year old kid on the internet on a Sunday night, clearly.
I think its a well known fact that listening to music butt-nekkid improves the tune of the song by like, 78%.
So Sony pay their caretakers well then?
Could be worse...
Listening to Anuraj is bad, but posting videos of his dancing is just plain wrong!
I actually watched f1 and whos mike?
everything's better tackle out...well except frying bacon that's just painful.
Brilliant thread Can someone provide me a link to the sound file so I can haz dubstepagez it?